Wednesday, November 28, 2007

More Flickn fun

This part was a bit of a blast. The mag is of course available for sale. Its really classy and the articles about Gerry and Kent are long overdue. And factual of course!

Flickring on and off

And so we come to Flickr. I don't own a digital camera which will somewhat limit my posting activities, but it clearly has uses as a source for obtaining a wide variety of photos via the net which could obviously come in handy.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Tagging & Technorati

Ok, I've just been looking through the Tagging section and I have mixed thoughts on the whole thing. I can see where it has its uses and is obviously quite flexible, informal and doesn't require any advanced training, but I must admit I have a liking for the more formalised, systematic methods traditionally used in libraries which encourage consistency and standardisation.

There is probably room enough for both methods to exist side by side though and in the end I suppose a lot is going to depend on your audience and personal preference.

The Technorati site looked like it had its uses for searching for a number of subjects, but much of it seemed to be just links to pop topics of little real interest or use to me so I'm not sure just how much I would really use it.


Well having finally taken a look at RSS feeds and newsreaders I can see where they can be useful for filtering out the info that one actually wants to read from the sea of irrelevant (to me) data that gets thrown at us via the net. Could prove to be quite a useful tool as such.